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Curawaka - A letter from Brazil - new music, Brazil tour and clean water for the Yawanawa Tribe <3

Dear relatives… Greetings from Brazil!

We are here in these lush beautiful lands to kick off the Dreamtime tour. After 1,5 years break it feels SO good to be back on the road. We have already been to Mexico and Peru, and now we are just getting ready to start our Brazil tour.

This journey to South-America is very special to us… more than a tour, it feels like a pilgrimage. As you know we have been working on our second album for over two years, and now getting ready to present it to the world. We feel that before we can release this record, we need to travel to the places that has inspired this record, to connect or reconnect with them, the spirits, the people, the landscape… Reconnect and also present this new music to the land itself. Sing the songs, leave our offerings and ask for the blessings from Spirit to share our music the way we do.

We left our offerings in Wirikuta in Mexico, we left them in the Sacred Valley in Peru, and we left them in the Amazon in Brazil. These places are like godparents of Curawaka´s music, and it felt so deeply fulfilling to go and connect to those places. Now we are getting ready to play for BRAZIL!

New Release "La Senda"

Our third single 'La Senda' of our second album 'Dreamtime', came out Tuesday, March 21st!

La Senda is a song inspired by the global family of pilgrims on the path of prayer who reunite at the sacred fire with the intention of elemental communion with the sacred plants under the guidance and protection of the elders-- the guardians and wisdom-keepers, that with their sacred song, create a dialogue with the spirits of the plants bringing us healing, understanding and blessings to our lives. This new song is also a journey into the highlands of the Andes in the infinite dimension of the cosmos. Navigating unto the mysteries of the deep jungle and to the center of our being. This is an original Curawaka song written by Tavo Vazquez which carries his deep connection with the Andean music and culture. We are honored to feature our dear teacher and friend Taita Nando who adds otherworldly depth and beauty to this track through his icao and prayers. Artwork cover done by the talented Delfina Mun.

Dreamtime Tour in the Americas: Mexico, Peru, Brazil

After over a month-long excursion in Mexico, our cups are filled and our hearts are happy. We started our 'Dreamtime' tour in Tulum where we shared two epic concerts: one at Ikal Tulum and the other at Naum, a mystical sanctuary where we performed an intimate concert inside of an ancient cenote. Afterwards we traveled to Mexico City and the magic town of Tepoztlan where we shared a couple more beautiful concerts. We are amazed at the magnificence of our audiences wherever we go, what a blessing. After those concerts we geared up to make our way to the sacred desert land of Wirikuta on a short pilgrimage to leave our offerings of gratitude and prayer alongside our friend and Wirarika elder, Don Antonio. We stayed up all night in ceremony with the desert land and sky, we rode horses with our friends and family, we left our well prepared and thoughtful offerings to very dear sites near Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí. The desert brought us a lot of hope and humbleness to continue this tour with energy, focus and clarity. We even have some new projects coming in the future related to the destruction that is currently devastating Wirikuta and the caretakers of that land.

We love touring to share our musical medicine across these rich ancestral homes. And for us at Curawaka, this Dreamtime tour is much more than sharing concerts with you. We are on a pilgrimage in the Americas from North to South connecting to the places that our musical inspiration and prayer has blossomed from. We are giving back to these special places, leaving offerings, connecting with the people and tribes that are united in this vision and strengthening our alliances with them. From Mexico we ventured to the Andes of Peru. Surrounded by the immense spirit of the mountains, the Apus. Inspired by all of the local communities who live in such a connected and traditional way tending to the Earth and their families. We played a concert in the beautiful ancient town of Pisaq, nested in the Sacred Valley. It felt so good to sing our songs to the Apus, who have inspired us so much! We also visited Macchu Picchu and sang our songs there.

'Water is Life' Project

We just spent two weeks in the Yawanawa village of Mutum, Acre in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. We are especially excited for this as we are a big family including small children of the band members, to make this long road trip through Northern Peru into Brasil. After two years of hard work, we finally gathered enough funds to send WaterNow to the Amazon Rainforest to install water filters and give clean drinking water to the Yawanawa village Mutum in Brazil. It was a huge relief and victory for us to see the clean water flow from tap in in Mutum, and we feel so much gratitude to all of you who donated for the first part of our campaign 'Water is Life'. Last year with many combined efforts, we installed more water filtration systems and brought clean drinking to Mutum. So happy and proud of this! This year we put two more water filters, changed their plumbing system and upgraded their toilets, installed a system for sustainable trash disposal and planted the first structures for a permaculture garden! Now we are moving onto the second Phase of the campaign! On request of the chief of Mutum, WaterNow is going back to Mutum and this time we in Curawaka are going with them. We wish to change the filters that were installed last year, and put more water systems in place around the area. We also wish to install an improved system for trash disposal, as the garbage situation is sadly quite ugly even in remote places such as Mutum. We once again call upon the help and aid of our world community to make a donation to our «Water is Life» campaign. All amounts are useful! Please contact us if you are interested in donating a larger sum of money.

After the jungle, we have four major concerts programmed in Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro. We are so looking forward to sharing our music and ending our Americas part of the tour in Brazil where a big percentage of our listeners come from.

You can get your tickets below:

We return to Europe in the summer and autumn for more Dreamtime dates. More dates and venues will be added to the tour page on our website as they get confirmed. Stay tuned! Click here to see our dates and we will be posting more soon! We hope to see you somewhere along the way family.

Thank you for being here and connecting with us.

Much love, Curawaka


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